
Comic: Kill Your Boyfriend.

Just reread Grant Morrison's 'Kill Your Boyfriend' for the umpteenth time. It's hard to find now, but if you can get your hands on it, it's worth it. 'KYB' is the most absurdist punk-rock comic book ever written.

Music: Cheap Trick.

Currently listening to: 'Surrender' by Cheap Trick.

Actually, four different versions of it: The original, plus covers by Simple Plan, Less than Jake and Marilyn Manson.

Film: Munich.

I just saw Munich, the Spielberg film about the Israeli retaliation to the deaths of eleven Olympic athletes in a terrorist hostage situation in 1972. Not a bad film, but hardly brilliant. As I watched the film, I never really completely identified with any of the main characters. There is some depth to the film, as it tries to make points about home, family and recursive violence. All in all, however, the movie simply failed to move me.


Music: Sonic Youth.

Currently listening to: Sonic Youth's cover of 'Superstar', by the Carpenters.

On repeat.

God help me.

Music: Fugazi.

Currently listening to: 'In on the Kill Taker', by Fugazi

A raw burst of Fugazi goodness. Not as catchy or riff driven as some of their albums, this one takes a very low key, simmering tack. Not as sharp as 'End Hits', or as lyrically potent as 'The Argument'. Still, if you're already a fan, this is a great album.

Book: On The Road.

Picked up a copy of 'On the Road', by Jack Kerouac today. I figure that it'll make appropriate reading in the coming months. I'll let you know what I think of it in the words section when I finish it.


Music: Our Lady Peace.

Currently listening to: 'Spiritual Machines' by Our Lady Peace.

Thanks to Zack for this one. Apparently I'm not the only one who really gets into the work of Ray Kurzweil, and his work on Singularity theory.

From Amazon.com:

"While Spiritual Machines is not strictly a concept record, much of the CD's lyrics were inspired by the Ray Kurzweil's book The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence. That explains the spoken-word bits--performed by Mr. Kurzweil himself--between some songs, as well as the general themes of spirituality, and technology versus humanity, that permeate the music and lyrics...." --Katherine Turman


Book: Access All Areas.

Currently reading: 'Access all areas: A user's guide to the art of urban exploration', by Ninjalicious.

Urban exploration is basically hiking in the middle of a city, exploring abandoned buildings and the detritus of the urban landscape, infiltrating access tunnels and 'employees only' zones. The book is mostly a safety guide, but also covers topics such as not getting caught, and convincing security guards to let you go. Sounds like fun to me.

Ninjalicious is the founding member of a group called Infiltration. They have a website here. This was brought to my attention by my friend, Mr. A.

Book: The Singularity Is Near.

Currently reading: 'The Singularity is Near' by Ray Kurzweil.

An engaging author, and the originator of the concept of the Singularity. Also the author of 'The Age of Spiritual Machines', which I haven't read yet. This guy has some really great ideas. I'll post more on this when I'm done with the book.

Music: Deftones.

Currently listening to: 'Adrenaline' by the Deftones.

Not their best album, but one of the better ones. Definitely one of my favorite rock bands of all time.

Something new.

This is not a list of recommendations. Here I will list whatever it is that I'm currently listening to or reading or watching or whatever. I'll provide some commentary, and the format will be pretty rigid. I didn't want to put this on the main page, since it's not something that people always want to see.

My blogging is pretty cleanly sub-divided, largely because there are few people who are really interested in EVERYTHING I have to say. This way, people can pick and choose what they want to hear about.

Anyway, this is just an experiment, so if it doesn't work, I'll just scrap the blog.