
The influence of friends...

Here I present to you three of my friends. One a philosopher, one a technologist, and one a riot in human form. Really, each of these three gentlemen has a bit of the philosopher, a bit of the technologist and a bit of the whirlwind in them.

Once upon a time I looked for people who were a reflection of myself, those who agreed with me on all things. Now I have a different understanding of what makes friendship work: Loyalty, honesty and the willingness to help each other at some personal cost. Friends add to you, by providing a fresh and sometimes differing perspective.

The angry philosopher, the controlling technologist and the whirling dervish. I know you all hate labels. Deal with it. There are others, too, these friends of mine. The big-hearted father, the eccentric wanderer, the ambitious politician, the jolly neuroscientist and the musical linguist.

My friends have got my back.


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